
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Using what we have 3: MAGAZINE PICTURES - Animal Matching Cards

Note: I have tried for several days to upload the photos for this post correctly, but with no success. Here's hoping none of my readers end up with a cramp in the neck after reading this!!)

Travel magazines usually contain breathtaking nature photography. I cut these out and laminated them to make sturdy, beautiful animal identification cards. I have over a 100 cards of different sizes, but here is a little sample:

For the most part, my children just love 'free playing' with these. They stare at them and talk about them and make up little stories, and ArrowBoy especially likes imitating the sounds. But they can also be used in more structured ways.

The possibilities for using these are ENDLESS...
Here are a few very basic ideas:

Match the plastic animal to the picture card. (A variation for my older child is to put the chosen animals in a cloth bag and she has to then 'feel' for the one on the particular picture card!)

Match the picture to a magnetic animal from our Melissa and Doug set.

Use alphabet flash cards to match the animal on your picture card to the beginning sounds.

  • Sort by continent on which the animals are found
  • Are they wild / farm animals, or pets
  • Mammals / birds / reptiles
  • Place in alphabetical order (for older children)
Or... play 'I Spy' to practice hearing beginning sounds.

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I love to hear from you and appreciate your comments! I will try my best to reply here to each comment promptly. Have a beauty-full day!