
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bubble Bears

Sweetpea and her friend Little E love to paint, so when they took a break from water painting the outside walls during a recent play date, I got out the Real Thing and they had fun making bubble bears! 

I stuck two rectangles of bubble wrap to the small table, and the girls then painted it brown.

Then they pressed cardboard teddy shapes onto the wrap and carefully lifted it off.

They used foam circles and googly eyes to decorate their teddies. Since Little E is not quite two yet and was heading the right way for glueing Papa Bear's eye onto his foot, I put a little drop of white glue where the eyes and 'buttons' had to go, and she just had to aim and stick down! They were very impressed with their teddies and was tickled pink when I used them as 'puppets' to tell the story of Goldilocks!

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